Okay...yea i haven't been blogging...haha...been really really really busy. Anyway latest happenings was our awesome Christmas Nite(shock sendiri-ing here!!)...haha.. I think together everyone put a SUPERB show...By God's grace we managed to do all this. All the ups and downs during the preparations, God was indeed there....every step we made, He guided us. Its so amazing!!! Just want to take this opportunity to congratulate the Christmas nite comm...cast and crew and of course the 2ppl who made it possible our beloved musical directors Agnes and Edwin...you guys are the BEST!!! so much fun!!
After that, everyone was excited about getting back home for christmas...skipping all the classes just to get a longer break. Haha!! Some nerds even wanted to come back for monday class and go back again on monday to celebrate christmas. GILER!!! I can't believe that I'm back in uni so early, should be lepaking at home but i'm comforting myself coz i will be goin back for new year.
Christmas Eve was awesome this year...wide spread of food...(suresh u missed it!). I think above all was just the time,we as a family spent. It was so meaningful..something special about it. I think it has been a LONG LONG time since we sat as a family and had a meal. In the midst of the preparation, we managed together and "hang out". I really miss those times...
As for me, I'm back in uni...indeed glad to see phoebs...had lotsa cerita to tell her...haha. I know phoebs weird dream...haha. Anyway hope you all have a BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Disguise - Lene Marlin
Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside
You will never measure up, to those people you
Must be strong, can't show them that you're weak
Have you ever told someone something
That's far from the truth
Let them know that you're okay
Just to make them stop
All the wondering, and questions they may have
I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come
Have you ever seen your face,
In a mirror there's a smile
But inside you're just a mess,
You feel far from good
Need to hide, 'cos they'd never understand
Have you ever had this wish, of being
Somewhere else
To let go of your disguise, all your worries too
And from that moment, then you see things clear
I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies,
I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come
People appear to be in your life for a reason. They are either the people who give advice to you, people who are just there to listen to you, people who are there to go crazy with you and of course people who are there simply because they love you. In times of trouble or difficulties you fail to see the people who are sincerely there for you and end up hurting them instead. Its only humane because we are so cought up with our problems that we forget to stop and look at what good is around us. Everything happens for a reason. God puts us in different situations so that we learn from it and be a better person. Its not easy....in fact its never easy BUT one day we will be clear why it happened in this way. I'm still working my way through it. There are many questions but its not gonna be questioned anymore. I'm going to take it and put it some place distant from me...some place where I don't have to go to anymore....some place where I don't have to look back and have regrets on. And when I'm done with it, thats when I return to reality.
Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside
You will never measure up, to those people you
Must be strong, can't show them that you're weak
Have you ever told someone something
That's far from the truth
Let them know that you're okay
Just to make them stop
All the wondering, and questions they may have
I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come
Have you ever seen your face,
In a mirror there's a smile
But inside you're just a mess,
You feel far from good
Need to hide, 'cos they'd never understand
Have you ever had this wish, of being
Somewhere else
To let go of your disguise, all your worries too
And from that moment, then you see things clear
I'm okay, I really am now
Just needed some time, to figure things out
Not telling lies,
I'll be honest with you
Still we don't know what's yet to come
People appear to be in your life for a reason. They are either the people who give advice to you, people who are just there to listen to you, people who are there to go crazy with you and of course people who are there simply because they love you. In times of trouble or difficulties you fail to see the people who are sincerely there for you and end up hurting them instead. Its only humane because we are so cought up with our problems that we forget to stop and look at what good is around us. Everything happens for a reason. God puts us in different situations so that we learn from it and be a better person. Its not easy....in fact its never easy BUT one day we will be clear why it happened in this way. I'm still working my way through it. There are many questions but its not gonna be questioned anymore. I'm going to take it and put it some place distant from me...some place where I don't have to go to anymore....some place where I don't have to look back and have regrets on. And when I'm done with it, thats when I return to reality.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Letting Go
I've been talking to my piggy friend Lydia in New Zealand...and after pondering about it...i think she is gonna make a superb pyschologist!!! Gosh....u really can relate to me(yea i know u alwiz have)..but im just impressed with how you look at things nowaydays.Told you rite gonna steal your ideas....hehehe...So...here's something i got from her.
Is that what you call love? Not letting go after a relationship has ended only narrows down your definition of love as a feeling to own and possess. It is natural to want to be with the person you love because you want to share every part of your life with that person. But do you still want to share if all you can give now is guilt, frustration, burden, and tears of sadness? You do feel hopeless but you are not hopeless. And you know that. So what if the person you love no longer loves you or never loved you? It does change the way you should express your love, but it doesn’t change how you feel towards that person. So why force yourself not to love that person anymore when you know you can’t do it? As a matter of fact, if you can do it, it is not love to begin with. To love is not a decision that can be made. You said that you would only put that person before you and you would only want that person to be happy. But isn’t your crying and yearning reflects the opposite of that? In the end it’s all about you and what you want, and you hurt the person even more. Start to think once again with your brain and not your heart, and to feel once again with your heart and not your brain.
Love should be selfless and not selfish.
To love someone never means only when that person loves you too.
It means giving the person the freedom to love you in return.
It means having that person feeling happy being loved by you.
It means loving yourself.
And letting go means I love you.
So deep rite?? Yea i think its true but its really difficult to put into practice what a person preaches...:)
Is that what you call love? Not letting go after a relationship has ended only narrows down your definition of love as a feeling to own and possess. It is natural to want to be with the person you love because you want to share every part of your life with that person. But do you still want to share if all you can give now is guilt, frustration, burden, and tears of sadness? You do feel hopeless but you are not hopeless. And you know that. So what if the person you love no longer loves you or never loved you? It does change the way you should express your love, but it doesn’t change how you feel towards that person. So why force yourself not to love that person anymore when you know you can’t do it? As a matter of fact, if you can do it, it is not love to begin with. To love is not a decision that can be made. You said that you would only put that person before you and you would only want that person to be happy. But isn’t your crying and yearning reflects the opposite of that? In the end it’s all about you and what you want, and you hurt the person even more. Start to think once again with your brain and not your heart, and to feel once again with your heart and not your brain.
Love should be selfless and not selfish.
To love someone never means only when that person loves you too.
It means giving the person the freedom to love you in return.
It means having that person feeling happy being loved by you.
It means loving yourself.
And letting go means I love you.
So deep rite?? Yea i think its true but its really difficult to put into practice what a person preaches...:)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Meant to be??
Do you believe that IF things are meant to be, it would automatically fall into place? Sometimes i wonder if there is no God will all of this happen? HE see and hears everything even before we know it. In our everyday life He is there working in small ways which we tend to be ignorant about. Most of the time we take HIM for granted. We only feel that it is HIS will when something good happens to us or if it is according to our plan. What if it happens the other way round? Then would we still accept it as God's will? I believe that we go through trials and temptations because we will learn something from it and hopefully we won't do it again. It only makes us a better and stronger person. Although it is really really hard to say this when we are actually going through the troubles (rite???). Being in university for the past 3years has made me a much much stronger person. Before this i was filled with negativity(all the electrons were in my mind and body..hehe..:P). I used to worry about my future a LOT & to top that up i never thought that anything good would happen to me(pathetic rite??Or more like super -ve!). I used to wonder whether i would get into a reputable university(Well...here i am in UNITEN!), whether i would secure a good job.....whether i would ever find the right guy and get married(*wink wink*)...Haha..you may laugh about the last part but don't deny the fact that you are getting older each year and eventually you would want to settle down with someone you really love and can't live without(awwww...so sweeet)! Im pretty sure somewhere deep down in our not so tiny heart we have that longing or at least we have thought about it(rite phoebs??). It so sounds like i am preaching today...dunno why am i in a preaching mood.Hmmm....but i guess every worry we have. We just have to put it to Him in prayer and be specific(as nina always says!).Because you'll be amazed by being specific and of course by having faith...We will receive. Ask and it shall be given unto you! It may take time....but never deny the power of God!! Patience is a virtue....We may not know why its taking so long for something to happen but He has planned everything according to His perfect timing. AMEN!!
oklah...i got to go....kena pergi class...Will be updating soon...:)
oklah...i got to go....kena pergi class...Will be updating soon...:)
Friday, April 20, 2007
As i lay in bed..tired from the days work...A thought flickers in my mind....A feeling deep within me...Something familiar....something i know......its.....its.....HUNGER!!! So romantic kan the earlier part???hahhaa...sampai the end the potong the romantic-ness je.Haha...I got that message from a friend(told not to reveal names)...i was like...awwww...so sweet..Well anyway i still think its sweet.That's the sweetest message i've received this holidays.So berbangga ye!!
Gonna be one week already since i've been in kuantan.What have i accomplished???Hmmm....hmmmm....hmmmmmm....have to think really hard. I guess i've watched quite a bit of movies...lazeddddd and lazeddddd at home.Online from the CC almost everyday..while waiting for mummy to finish work.Oh oh...i went jogging at Gelora...For people who know me..thats an accomplishment rite??Rite phoebe??Hahahaa...Erm...lets see besides that i bugged my doggy Hercules.The only thing i can look forward to is Phoebs coming to kuantan...YEAY!!!Thursday...will be counting the days....not for anything but have to start cleaning up my house...aduhh...hahaha..Eh eh no no...jangan marah....saje je..wanna kacau u.Haven't planned anything to do yet.Maybe i should just leave her at McD's Teluk Cempedak in the morning and pick her up at nite..hahaha..kejamnye..dun worry will think of something to do kay.
Okay got to go...must fetch mum from work....Will update soon i hope..with more crap...hahaha..Till the next blog....ciaoo people....
Gonna be one week already since i've been in kuantan.What have i accomplished???Hmmm....hmmmm....hmmmmmm....have to think really hard. I guess i've watched quite a bit of movies...lazeddddd and lazeddddd at home.Online from the CC almost everyday..while waiting for mummy to finish work.Oh oh...i went jogging at Gelora...For people who know me..thats an accomplishment rite??Rite phoebe??Hahahaa...Erm...lets see besides that i bugged my doggy Hercules.The only thing i can look forward to is Phoebs coming to kuantan...YEAY!!!Thursday...will be counting the days....not for anything but have to start cleaning up my house...aduhh...hahaha..Eh eh no no...jangan marah....saje je..wanna kacau u.Haven't planned anything to do yet.Maybe i should just leave her at McD's Teluk Cempedak in the morning and pick her up at nite..hahaha..kejamnye..dun worry will think of something to do kay.
Okay got to go...must fetch mum from work....Will update soon i hope..with more crap...hahaha..Till the next blog....ciaoo people....
Saturday, March 31, 2007
In Loving Memory of Aunty Geetha

28th March 2007 is the day which my dearest aunty left this world to be in a better place.It is the most sad thing which happened to me this year. I rushed down to Kuantan to attend the funeral and on the way back to uni, all i could think of is the times Ashvini and I spent together..all the fun times...all the outings...all the weirdest things we wud do and get scolding for...all the joy and all the sorrows...I think the most memorable time would have been while being neighbours.For every small thing i would run to their house.Even when i fought with my bro, i ran there to hide and shuhanth put the hockey stick outside so tht my bro wont come! there are many more things which i happened throughout this 16years being in Kuantan. All the tears and joy we endured together. It is something that i would cherish throught the years.
Aunty was like a mother to me, she always treated me like one of her children.I spent quite a lot of time with them. She took care of me when papa went for his operation,she sent me to skool when mummy was busy,she dressed me up for charity dinner,church functions and many many more...Oh one thing i would never forget is she took me to pierce my ears and amazingly i didnt scream or cry when she took me.Because mummy had tried to take me to do it, so many times but failed. Not forgetting aunty's superb cooking, the best dish no one can beat is her mutton.She had a special touch for cooking. In fact her warmth and her love touched many people around her. While writing this particular blog, im trying to recollect everything so that i can pen it down but so many things happened beyond the explanation of words...i guess silence speaks for itself.
Things happen for a reason and sometimes it is so difficult to accept especially when we have to let go of our dear ones...I know aunty is in a better place now watching over us...i'm gonna miss u a lot....I LOVE YOU!!
Wings Of The Angels
A gentle wind blew cross the land
Aunty was like a mother to me, she always treated me like one of her children.I spent quite a lot of time with them. She took care of me when papa went for his operation,she sent me to skool when mummy was busy,she dressed me up for charity dinner,church functions and many many more...Oh one thing i would never forget is she took me to pierce my ears and amazingly i didnt scream or cry when she took me.Because mummy had tried to take me to do it, so many times but failed. Not forgetting aunty's superb cooking, the best dish no one can beat is her mutton.She had a special touch for cooking. In fact her warmth and her love touched many people around her. While writing this particular blog, im trying to recollect everything so that i can pen it down but so many things happened beyond the explanation of words...i guess silence speaks for itself.
Things happen for a reason and sometimes it is so difficult to accept especially when we have to let go of our dear ones...I know aunty is in a better place now watching over us...i'm gonna miss u a lot....I LOVE YOU!!
Wings Of The Angels
A gentle wind blew cross the land
Reaching out to take a hand
For on the winds the angels came
Calling out a mother's name.
Left behind, the children's tears
Loving memories of the years
Of joy and love, a life well spent
And now to God a mother's sent
On angel's wings, a heavenly flight
The journey home, towards the light
To those who weep, a life is gone
But in God's love, 'tis but the dawn.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
My fren sent me this email about what ur birthday month means...or more like the traits of people in that particular month...so i decided to paste mine..read on kalau free sangat..haha.:P
Fun to be with. Loves to try new
things. Boy/girls LOVE you.
You are very hott. Secretive.
Difficult to fathom and to
be understood. Quiet unless excited or
Takes pride in oneself. Has
reputation. Easily
consoled. Honest. Concerned about
feelings. Tactful. Friendly.
Emotional temperamental and
Moody and easily hurt. Witty and
spazzy at times.Not revengeful.
Forgiving but never forgets.
dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary
Guides others physically and mentally.
and forms impressions carefully.
Caring and
loving. Treats others equally. Strong
sense of
sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people
through observations. Hardworking. No
in studying. Loves to be alone. Always
about the past and the old friends.
Waits for
friends. Never looks for friends. Not
unless provoked. Loves to be loved.
Easily hurt
but takes long to recover...
So what do u all think??anything true bout me??
Fun to be with. Loves to try new
things. Boy/girls LOVE you.
You are very hott. Secretive.
Difficult to fathom and to
be understood. Quiet unless excited or
Takes pride in oneself. Has
reputation. Easily
consoled. Honest. Concerned about
feelings. Tactful. Friendly.
Emotional temperamental and
Moody and easily hurt. Witty and
spazzy at times.Not revengeful.
Forgiving but never forgets.
dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary
Guides others physically and mentally.
and forms impressions carefully.
Caring and
loving. Treats others equally. Strong
sense of
sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people
through observations. Hardworking. No
in studying. Loves to be alone. Always
about the past and the old friends.
Waits for
friends. Never looks for friends. Not
unless provoked. Loves to be loved.
Easily hurt
but takes long to recover...
So what do u all think??anything true bout me??
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Out of Bordem
shwe ying tagged me...so since i was free...i decided to fill in the blanks...so here goes...
Layer One:On The Outside
Name : Sarah Navita
Birth Date : 2 June 1985(yea yea...old dy)
Current status : single
Eye Colour : dark brown kot
Hair Colour : black with brown highlights
Righty or Lefty : Lefty!! we are special..ahahhaa
Layer Two :On The Inside
Your Heritage : Indian
Your Fears : Not getting thru uni..
Your Weakness : laziness...
Your Perfect Pizza : pizza with loads of cheese and pineapples...and oh ya..chicken..hehe...
Layer Three :Yesterday, Today , Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up : aduh...another day?
Your Bedtime : Depends how tired i am..but usually after 12am..
Your Most Missed Memory : Just hanging out in school with no worries...at all..
Layer Four : Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : coke
McDonald's or Burger King : Burger King
Single or Group Dates : well depends...single is cool..but if the guy is boring then group...hahahaha
Adidas or Nike : dun care...not a brand concious person.
Tea or Nestea : Tea more specific TEH AIS!!
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla
Cappucino or Coffee : Coffee...tea or me?hahaha...lame
Layer Five : Do You..
Smoke : Nope.
Curse : I have when ppl like alex paksa me...haha...
Take a shower : duh...im believe in being clean..n smell good..
Have a crush : Nope
Think you've been in love : i guess if u consider being cheated by the guy u trusted...now i wonder whether i was in love..
Go to school : yup..wish i didnt have to..
Want to get married : yea
Believe in yourself : sometimes
Think you're a health freak : NO! But phoebe is!
Layer Six : In The Past Month
Drank alcohol : Nope
Gone to the mall : ya
Been on stage : Nope
Eaten sushi : no...dun like the thought of raw food..
Dyed your hair : nope
Layer Seven : Have You Ever..
Played A Stripping Game : Nope
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : Nope.
Layer Eight : Age You're Hoping
To Be Married : 28
Layer Nine : In a Girl/Guy
Best Eye Colour : Blue
Best Hair Colour : brown
Short Hair or Long Hair : average length but groomed well..
Layer Ten : What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago : lazing on phoebs bed
1 Hour Ago : tried to do M.O.M
4.5 Hours Ago : bath..haha..
1 Month Ago : probably lazy around...hahaha..
1 Year Ago: was in uni being a pig i guess...haha..
Layer Eleven : Finish The Sentence
I Love : God, my family and friends
I Feel : lazy
I Hate : people who are no sincere!
I Hide : my deepest darkest secrets
I Miss : my mummy
I Need : to study
Layer Twelve : Tag Five People
1) Jason
2) Cheow
3) Malathi
4) Nagen
5) Bala
Layer One:On The Outside
Name : Sarah Navita
Birth Date : 2 June 1985(yea yea...old dy)
Current status : single
Eye Colour : dark brown kot
Hair Colour : black with brown highlights
Righty or Lefty : Lefty!! we are special..ahahhaa
Layer Two :On The Inside
Your Heritage : Indian
Your Fears : Not getting thru uni..
Your Weakness : laziness...
Your Perfect Pizza : pizza with loads of cheese and pineapples...and oh ya..chicken..hehe...
Layer Three :Yesterday, Today , Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up : aduh...another day?
Your Bedtime : Depends how tired i am..but usually after 12am..
Your Most Missed Memory : Just hanging out in school with no worries...at all..
Layer Four : Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : coke
McDonald's or Burger King : Burger King
Single or Group Dates : well depends...single is cool..but if the guy is boring then group...hahahaha
Adidas or Nike : dun care...not a brand concious person.
Tea or Nestea : Tea more specific TEH AIS!!
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla
Cappucino or Coffee : Coffee...tea or me?hahaha...lame
Layer Five : Do You..
Smoke : Nope.
Curse : I have when ppl like alex paksa me...haha...
Take a shower : duh...im believe in being clean..n smell good..
Have a crush : Nope
Think you've been in love : i guess if u consider being cheated by the guy u trusted...now i wonder whether i was in love..
Go to school : yup..wish i didnt have to..
Want to get married : yea
Believe in yourself : sometimes
Think you're a health freak : NO! But phoebe is!
Layer Six : In The Past Month
Drank alcohol : Nope
Gone to the mall : ya
Been on stage : Nope
Eaten sushi : no...dun like the thought of raw food..
Dyed your hair : nope
Layer Seven : Have You Ever..
Played A Stripping Game : Nope
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : Nope.
Layer Eight : Age You're Hoping
To Be Married : 28
Layer Nine : In a Girl/Guy
Best Eye Colour : Blue
Best Hair Colour : brown
Short Hair or Long Hair : average length but groomed well..
Layer Ten : What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago : lazing on phoebs bed
1 Hour Ago : tried to do M.O.M
4.5 Hours Ago : bath..haha..
1 Month Ago : probably lazy around...hahaha..
1 Year Ago: was in uni being a pig i guess...haha..
Layer Eleven : Finish The Sentence
I Love : God, my family and friends
I Feel : lazy
I Hate : people who are no sincere!
I Hide : my deepest darkest secrets
I Miss : my mummy
I Need : to study
Layer Twelve : Tag Five People
1) Jason
2) Cheow
3) Malathi
4) Nagen
5) Bala
Monday, March 5, 2007
who's my CASANOVA??
Sarah, your Casanova is the Legendary Lover
Who can resist disarming good looks and gallant charm? Clearly not many — including you! Sweet and romantic, you like a guy who isn't afraid to express himself. And if he likes to pull out all the stops, even better!
Whether he opens doors, reads poetry, or showers you with compliments, your Casanova will enjoy the softer side of the romance dance. You're a lover, not a fighter, after all. And you're also willing to put yourself out there and go for what you want. That's legendary!
Who can resist disarming good looks and gallant charm? Clearly not many — including you! Sweet and romantic, you like a guy who isn't afraid to express himself. And if he likes to pull out all the stops, even better!
Whether he opens doors, reads poetry, or showers you with compliments, your Casanova will enjoy the softer side of the romance dance. You're a lover, not a fighter, after all. And you're also willing to put yourself out there and go for what you want. That's legendary!
Sunday, March 4, 2007
tribute to jason
hahaha...title sounds like he is dead or sumthing. I put that mainly coz he bugged me to update my blog,it seems i havent updated it in ages. I tengah malas,tak tau kenapa. I guess its the lazy week,still getting used to being back in uni after the one week break. Oh and having "semangat-ed" fluids lecturer isn't helping either.Suka hati je tak datang to kelas...and we asked him whether got class on friday and he said YES and the HE DIDN'T COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He didn't even put a notice and the worst part is i saw him at COE makaning!!!why bother paying him rm1215 for the subject...i can teach myself..bazir duit je....arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...so pissed...coz he deprived me of my sleep...babi kan..hahaha :p
Then my cousin sister called me and asked me to stay over at her place for the nite...i think i really needed that coz this week alone i got 4 BIG and i mean BIG pimples on my face(no shwe not on my ass). I needed the change of environment and it did me good. Later at nite went to watch the match with alex...oh no no..i mean Agnes..haha...tersilap..susah to tell the difference nowadays..:P. And of course the champions won...haha! It was a game of pulling each others t-shirts and kicking each other most of the time but at the end kita menang.12 points ahead..is that good or wat? Yea sum Liverpool fans will say it was luck and sum arsenal fans say that MU does not have the flair to play unlike arsenal...but with flair or no flair we still top of the table...so BURN!!!...haha..muahahahahhahaha...i sound so evil..haha.
Went to church earlier and terus lari after church coz i didnt want to "smile and wave"...got back and had breakfast and nina ended up eating for the whole week..ahahah..sorry sorry..been kacau-ing u a lot...jangan marah ye...okaylah its time to sleep...nitez people!!
Then my cousin sister called me and asked me to stay over at her place for the nite...i think i really needed that coz this week alone i got 4 BIG and i mean BIG pimples on my face(no shwe not on my ass). I needed the change of environment and it did me good. Later at nite went to watch the match with alex...oh no no..i mean Agnes..haha...tersilap..susah to tell the difference nowadays..:P. And of course the champions won...haha! It was a game of pulling each others t-shirts and kicking each other most of the time but at the end kita menang.12 points ahead..is that good or wat? Yea sum Liverpool fans will say it was luck and sum arsenal fans say that MU does not have the flair to play unlike arsenal...but with flair or no flair we still top of the table...so BURN!!!...haha..muahahahahhahaha...i sound so evil..haha.
Went to church earlier and terus lari after church coz i didnt want to "smile and wave"...got back and had breakfast and nina ended up eating for the whole week..ahahah..sorry sorry..been kacau-ing u a lot...jangan marah ye...okaylah its time to sleep...nitez people!!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Sometimes i wonder why bad things happen to good people?
Why good people go thru a lot of pain and suffering and the bad people continue to have fun and go out with their "perfect" lives?
Why do good people get sick??why??
Why do we have to see them suffer when all this while they haven't done anything that bad???
You may ask who am i to define who is good and who is bad...well im no one to define that but from my point of view, i only see the good people going through a lot.
I guess God is grinding them to be precious gems.
I may never understand why all this things happen but i have to remember and acknowledge the fact that God works in ways we cannot explain and we may not know why now but it is always done to His best interest towards us.
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Why good people go thru a lot of pain and suffering and the bad people continue to have fun and go out with their "perfect" lives?
Why do good people get sick??why??
Why do we have to see them suffer when all this while they haven't done anything that bad???
You may ask who am i to define who is good and who is bad...well im no one to define that but from my point of view, i only see the good people going through a lot.
I guess God is grinding them to be precious gems.
I may never understand why all this things happen but i have to remember and acknowledge the fact that God works in ways we cannot explain and we may not know why now but it is always done to His best interest towards us.
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Can't WAIT!
Its 2.30am..."my bags are packed and im waiting to go"..haha..macam lagu pulak.i've packed my bags and im waiting...im waiting for the time to pass faster so that i can go homeeeeee....home sweet home...im sitting here and imagining the one week of sleeping,eating home cooked food...lepaking...sleeping..did i mention sleeping??hahaha..okok..i noe im a pig..but i miss sleeping for longggg hours...anyways...im trying my best to bring back as much things so that at the end of the semester i wont have loads of things to angkut.
Past week has been a really malas malas week...only semangated for ramesh class..the rest of the lecturers all malas dy..haha..if they malas then u can imagine the students la rite.Got most of the test one results..pretty satisfactory i guess...can do better la..which means have to study harder..:).Lets see valentines fell on a wednesday this time.Had 2...hmm...shall i call it dates??Oklah..had a superb dinner with a friend,he was my prince charming for the nite...unfortunately JUST for the nite.We had to wait super long for the food...i dunno why..haha..maybe they had to go buy the food from sum other shop and then serve to us...it was cunted thai food.Then balik uni keluar supper with Arvin,Harnesh(the cutie),Devaki,Param,Prem,Prakash,Uthaya and Prabhu...we played pool...had loads of fun..its been a longg long time since i played pool.I had an enjoyable day.Well,Valentines Day is not JUST for lovers but also friends.We begin to truly cherish the times we have together...okayyyy...i think i better go to sleep if not i won't be much company during the journey back to kuantan...Catch u guys after the piggy-ing holidays....c ya!!!
Past week has been a really malas malas week...only semangated for ramesh class..the rest of the lecturers all malas dy..haha..if they malas then u can imagine the students la rite.Got most of the test one results..pretty satisfactory i guess...can do better la..which means have to study harder..:).Lets see valentines fell on a wednesday this time.Had 2...hmm...shall i call it dates??Oklah..had a superb dinner with a friend,he was my prince charming for the nite...unfortunately JUST for the nite.We had to wait super long for the food...i dunno why..haha..maybe they had to go buy the food from sum other shop and then serve to us...it was cunted thai food.Then balik uni keluar supper with Arvin,Harnesh(the cutie),Devaki,Param,Prem,Prakash,Uthaya and Prabhu...we played pool...had loads of fun..its been a longg long time since i played pool.I had an enjoyable day.Well,Valentines Day is not JUST for lovers but also friends.We begin to truly cherish the times we have together...okayyyy...i think i better go to sleep if not i won't be much company during the journey back to kuantan...Catch u guys after the piggy-ing holidays....c ya!!!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
i love you
Haha..did i get ur attention with the topic??Don't get ur hopes up,NO!! im not in love with anyone...at least thats wat i think lar."I love you"..This phrase is usually used to express ur lovey dovey feelings towards someone u really really cherish...be it a family member, a friend or even that special someone. Where is this blog leading to?i don't know.I guess this words actually mean a lot when u say it to ur special someone and it is not something you say for the sake of saying it.Or saying it at the spurr of the moment and regretting it later...So i guess think wisely before u say it...aih...i dun feel like sambunging this now...hopefully some other time...hope its soon...nitez!
Monday, February 5, 2007
Tiring Day
I didn't have much sleep last nite....besides the fact that i slept of while studying dynamics...haha...i think my guilt feeling kept on waking me up and i ended up studying till 6am!!!yeah wow..haha..so much for last minute studying.Anyway it was a cold cold morning,didnt feel like getting out of bed buttttt i had to coz had lab...arghhhh....anyways lab instructor is sweet..haha..gave me full marks for log book...:)(*wink wink*)...bangga :P.Had test...it was errr....dunno...ask phoebs....haha...i refuse to comment on the test.
After that,sat in techflow room craking our heads to finish d MOM assignment,phoebs is the man...after much calculating..she got the answer...(*mexican wave for phoebs*)...ahhahaha...Then had Dr.Ramesh class, he was speeding like a bullet train...i dunno why also.And when he said "ok class,i'll stop here"..everyone started packing and just didnt listen to wat he had to say...kesian him.Then came back to the apartment and tidur like a piggy...haha...Lucky phoebs woke me up coz i had to go cheer lead for my team "Sao Paolo"...:P...missed the first goal they scored :(.They beat their opponents by 3-1,it was a good match!Congrats to co-capt Mr.Gary..hehe..and not forgetting the number 87 dude who scored the moment he substituted another dude...cekap cekap..hehe...
Lepas tu, we took a walk back to murni in the RAIN! got wet nicely...hope i don't fall sick..anyways i think im gonna sleep early....nice weather...nitez people!!
After that,sat in techflow room craking our heads to finish d MOM assignment,phoebs is the man...after much calculating..she got the answer...(*mexican wave for phoebs*)...ahhahaha...Then had Dr.Ramesh class, he was speeding like a bullet train...i dunno why also.And when he said "ok class,i'll stop here"..everyone started packing and just didnt listen to wat he had to say...kesian him.Then came back to the apartment and tidur like a piggy...haha...Lucky phoebs woke me up coz i had to go cheer lead for my team "Sao Paolo"...:P...missed the first goal they scored :(.They beat their opponents by 3-1,it was a good match!Congrats to co-capt Mr.Gary..hehe..and not forgetting the number 87 dude who scored the moment he substituted another dude...cekap cekap..hehe...
Lepas tu, we took a walk back to murni in the RAIN! got wet nicely...hope i don't fall sick..anyways i think im gonna sleep early....nice weather...nitez people!!
Saturday, February 3, 2007
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
I just attended a funeral today...I guess its been a long time since I did.During this time people would try to recollect memories with the person who passed on.And try their best to remember those times.We say good things and appreciate the live of the loved one.We will mourn for their passing and they would be rejoicing with the Lord.Death does not see age or gender,when our time is up...its up...So,cherish every moment we have with the ones dearest to us.
At the service,they sang this song..and I realized how meaningful the words are...its a nice song.
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer,
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry,
Everything to God in prayer
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble any where?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it To the Lord in prayer,
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share,
Jesus knows our every weakness,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden?
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour still our refuge,
Take it to the Lord in prayer,
Do thy friends despise,forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He'll take and sheild thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.
At the service,they sang this song..and I realized how meaningful the words are...its a nice song.
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer,
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry,
Everything to God in prayer
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble any where?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it To the Lord in prayer,
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share,
Jesus knows our every weakness,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden?
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour still our refuge,
Take it to the Lord in prayer,
Do thy friends despise,forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He'll take and sheild thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.
Friday, February 2, 2007
I just went through phoebs blog yest and i realized i havent checked or updated mine in ages...It has been 3months...haha...too busy with "stuff" i guess...
Anyway this pass few days i have been wondering,why people bother getting into arguments...why people bother being in a group...why even bother about the next person??Haha..tht sounds so un-christian huh?But then again,who am i to judge another person...Im not God and i'm no better than the person next to me.Life is to short to be worried about this minor things.I guess sometimes we dwell so much in ourselves that we fail to see that there's a bigger world out there.We get so comfortable in being with a particular group of people than when things go wrong,we are lost.Why?Why do we let ourselves get into this sorta situations?Questions which different people would have different answers to.
Like now..why am i crapping like this also i don't know..haha.I guess the bottom line is, when things are not going rite..and we are upset and burdened with worries we only have God to fall on to.Only He knows whats best for us.Only He can comfort us and make us feel better.
I was going through my collection of quotes and I thought this is really really true....so here goes.."Some people come into our lives and quickly go.Others stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same."....
Okaylah..got to do some studying two more tests to go before the chinese new year break..hopefully i'll update my blog soon...hehe..ciao!!
Anyway this pass few days i have been wondering,why people bother getting into arguments...why people bother being in a group...why even bother about the next person??Haha..tht sounds so un-christian huh?But then again,who am i to judge another person...Im not God and i'm no better than the person next to me.Life is to short to be worried about this minor things.I guess sometimes we dwell so much in ourselves that we fail to see that there's a bigger world out there.We get so comfortable in being with a particular group of people than when things go wrong,we are lost.Why?Why do we let ourselves get into this sorta situations?Questions which different people would have different answers to.
Like now..why am i crapping like this also i don't know..haha.I guess the bottom line is, when things are not going rite..and we are upset and burdened with worries we only have God to fall on to.Only He knows whats best for us.Only He can comfort us and make us feel better.
I was going through my collection of quotes and I thought this is really really true....so here goes.."Some people come into our lives and quickly go.Others stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same."....
Okaylah..got to do some studying two more tests to go before the chinese new year break..hopefully i'll update my blog soon...hehe..ciao!!
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