I went back to the plant yesterday, to get some work done for my final year project. The main entrance to the plant has changed. The guards were more friendly and they actually let me drive in so I didn't have to take the 20 minute walk. As you can see, I have got more lazy over the holidays which is ending soon.
As I was getting down from the car, I heard someone calling my name real loud from the canteen. I was suprised to be noticed that fast, maybe because I wore red. Haha...anyway it was Uncle X...he is the oldest at the office so we call him that. I walked in to the office and everyone was in a good mood. They just got back from their team building which was in Kuching(the land of Janice)...hehe :P. If only my internship was during this time, i would have managed to join them. They were updating me about their trip. It was fun to be back. There is a new german intern but unfortunately can't check the intern out coz this time its a girl!! The batch of german interns who were with me are all gone...sob sob....
Then of course I started with my analysis for my fyp. My boss(my ex-boss i mean) really gave me a lot of information and I was amazed with the amount of info he knew off hand. I mean, in his position he does not have to know all this but he takes the initiative to learn about it. And he is also a very hands on person. He knows a lot of technical details about the car. After going through the tests, we went for a drink. There he enlightened me about more things. I was really in awe. If I was going to be working in a car manufacturing company, I would want to be like him. He really knows his stuff.
He started working in a small company which manufactures parts for air-conditioning systems then he worked really hard and now he is with Daimler. He went to Germany for training and now he is the manager of Commercial Vehicles. Not forgetting he just received an award from the Sultan. He is one good example of a person who worked hard to get where he is at the moment. And being a well read person, he has been helping me a lot in my project. I'm really thankful to have him to help me thus far.
Talking to him has made me realize that the working world is not that far away from me. I have to start thinking about where I'm going to start my career and etc....I guess above all this worry, God knows whats best for me. I just pray that I get into something I like to do and I will be somewhere not so far from my psyco friends. I can't believe that this 1st of December I will be starting my final semester in Uni. I hope its gonna be the best :). I can't wait to be back!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
I think I have never looked forward to getting back home this much before. Since I looked so much to going back fast, thanx to someone I could fly home :). And indeed it was fast, I think I reached so fast even Nina didn't get back to bed yet after sending me! It has been 5days since I have been back and lets just say nothing productive has been done except to make an appointment with my ex-boss. Haha...so basically I have been bumming around and probably bugging my parents and also my doggy.
I got the another 9days left before I get back to uni and I better make the best out of it. I'm yet to go to the beach. It has been raining every other day so can't lepak there. And the saddest thing is after my intern friends left, Kuantan seems to be pretty quiet for me. Mum says I should find something to do to keep myself from becoming to lazy if not it would be difficult for me when I get back to uni BUT i'm enjoying being lazy at the moment. Its the only time I can be lazy..during the holidays!! Haha.
Anyway, I have to go make a birthday card for my mum's boss. Hope it turns out well. Coz i'm not all that good in art. Hopefully will have pictures to show once I'm done with it. Till then!
I got the another 9days left before I get back to uni and I better make the best out of it. I'm yet to go to the beach. It has been raining every other day so can't lepak there. And the saddest thing is after my intern friends left, Kuantan seems to be pretty quiet for me. Mum says I should find something to do to keep myself from becoming to lazy if not it would be difficult for me when I get back to uni BUT i'm enjoying being lazy at the moment. Its the only time I can be lazy..during the holidays!! Haha.
Anyway, I have to go make a birthday card for my mum's boss. Hope it turns out well. Coz i'm not all that good in art. Hopefully will have pictures to show once I'm done with it. Till then!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I got a table finally!
I know i know...its towards the end of the semester but i finally was able to purchase a study table. Thank you so much(you know who you are) for helping me get it for me. Now at least my back won't ache when i study. Signs of old age lar..cannot bend too much..:). Oh oh..and thank you phoebe for helping me fix it. Just hope it doesn't fall eh??
Anyway..Its a pretty white table, with pretty white legs....hehe..
Anyway..Its a pretty white table, with pretty white legs....hehe..
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Last Wednesday, was emo Day for me. I don't know what got into me but I was kinda frustrated with everything around me especially during classes. Couldn't understand what the lecturers were teaching(ya...nothing new rite??) BUT it just really really really got to me this time. I mean we are paying soooooo much and we end up not understanding what is being taught. It is really irritating when they just read off the slides or the notes. We can do that too! Anyway, the person who listens to all this during class is phoebs...sorry that u have to hear my nyo-nyoings.
Thursday's bro and sis nite in Techflow was good. It started off in a heated conversation...sacarsm and "jokes" which are not so funny anymore. But like tim said 'we were making progress'. We finally came to a mutual understanding. I guess we are different and unique in our own ways. There is just no point in arguing who is better or worst coz we can just go on arguing. I could conclude it ended like how a positive therapy session would end. Everyone was happy. And to appreciate the sisters, our beloved brothers gave us bookmarks which they made. Thank you Nantha and Aaron!! I was lucky enough to get two bookmarks.
Friday morning started off in a rush coz I woke up late for class and was a little late for quiz. But it was okay la...we still managed to sit for it. After our short visit to Ilsas to see a real sized turbine, we went for lunch. Mum paksa-ed me to be vegetarian coz it was Onam. Miss those days when we used to have a variety of vege dishes for onam lunch and not forgetting the awesome payasam...yum yum. Nevertheless it was a fun lunch with my besties. Oh ya..then at nite it was fun playing badminton with the techies...hehe. The only thing I can remember from it is ramesh telling "hit higher...hit harder...goood goood....hit higher"...ahahhaha..Thanx ramesh for the training!! Oh oh..and of course the superb badminton skills of Peter and Paul....me and aggy were just perhiasan on the court when we played doubles with them.
Saturday........lepaked with my one and only cutey nephew....then had a super lunch with bro and family and not forgetting nina,isha and janice. The waiter kept on serving us...asking us to try this curry..and that curry...haha...it was a satisfying meal. Then came back and tried my best to sleep...planned to go jogging but it was too hot(according to phoebs) but i just finally managed to sleep. Thats why i'm so awake now and semangated to blog. Anyway, i better go to sleep if not might just not wake up for church. So till the next post....ciaoooo....!!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Final Year
Half the semester is already over and there is only 1 1/2 months left before this semester ends. I can't believe how fast time is passing. The first half of the semester was pretty chill just before all the tests and assignments started piling up. The worst part when there was tests practically every other day for the past two weeks. This week is considered the "relax a BIT" week because once next week starts...all the 2nd part of the tests will begin. I guess that's the normal thing which we have been experiencing as student.
I attended my last TECHFLOW camp which was in Penang. The place where the sun was shining brightly until we had to sleep in the tents and the rain started to pour. Our tents almost flew away but i guess coz of the people sleeping in the tent made it more stable...haha. It was a good experience indeed. After camp, things started to set in back again. And the normal routine stuff continued.
The following weekend after camp was also another weekend which was awaited for. It was Joboy's wedding. It was the first time that I was going to be a bridesmaid so I was extremely excited about it. Skipped class on Friday(thanx to kavi).Oh oh..but he actually let me drive his new car. Then summore told me that if i dare can drive at 180...(i think he didn't expect me to do it coz he was sleeping like a baby). Got back to Kuantan early to do some last minute shopping...you know how it is before a wedding...getting last minute stuff like earrings...nail polish...high heels...hehehe...It was fun coz get to shop with mummy dearest. On the day of the wedding, it was a mad rush because had to do my hair and beautify myself before going to church...haha..yea yea. I know syok sendiri but wat to do..sekali-sekala only can be a bridesmaid so much look pretty..:). The wedding was beautiful...the bride looked gorgeous. And the groom looked really happy...I think he was happy that the day has finally arrived. The church was decorated with flowers which matched the theme, maroon and creame. So it all looked pretty...
Then it was back to uni and BACK to reality. Back to all the quizzes and tests and assignments...and yada yada yada....till the next post...ciaoo....
I attended my last TECHFLOW camp which was in Penang. The place where the sun was shining brightly until we had to sleep in the tents and the rain started to pour. Our tents almost flew away but i guess coz of the people sleeping in the tent made it more stable...haha. It was a good experience indeed. After camp, things started to set in back again. And the normal routine stuff continued.
The following weekend after camp was also another weekend which was awaited for. It was Joboy's wedding. It was the first time that I was going to be a bridesmaid so I was extremely excited about it. Skipped class on Friday(thanx to kavi).Oh oh..but he actually let me drive his new car. Then summore told me that if i dare can drive at 180...(i think he didn't expect me to do it coz he was sleeping like a baby). Got back to Kuantan early to do some last minute shopping...you know how it is before a wedding...getting last minute stuff like earrings...nail polish...high heels...hehehe...It was fun coz get to shop with mummy dearest. On the day of the wedding, it was a mad rush because had to do my hair and beautify myself before going to church...haha..yea yea. I know syok sendiri but wat to do..sekali-sekala only can be a bridesmaid so much look pretty..:). The wedding was beautiful...the bride looked gorgeous. And the groom looked really happy...I think he was happy that the day has finally arrived. The church was decorated with flowers which matched the theme, maroon and creame. So it all looked pretty...
Then it was back to uni and BACK to reality. Back to all the quizzes and tests and assignments...and yada yada yada....till the next post...ciaoo....
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
7th April 2008- My first day of Industrial training. I was excited to start at the same time I was like...."awww mann" i have to work...which means i can't bum around this holidays....haha.. During morning briefing(by the way i start work at 8am!!) , my supervisor Kak Atie introduced me to all my collegues. I was of course "shy" haha...but they are all super friendly...and they are ALL GUYS!!! I should have expected that rite?Working in a plant...won't be seeing much gals around. There are pros and cons about that.
Anyway my first day passed pretty fast because it was mostly about introducing me to all the people I would have to communicate with to get my reports done. Everyone shocked to see a gal Mechanical Engineer...haha..not something new rite??. haha...But on my 2nd day, I was brought to the production plant...just a brief walk through it..And i just couldn't take my eyes off how they assemble the car...From the minor parts to the major parts....awesooooooommmmeee!!! I never imagined it to be this cool!! so much of detail put into everything. I guess that's the price you pay for a Mercedes. But my excitement for the day didnt end there...my boss then took me to ride in a new C200K!! You can say it was freshly baked from the oven...aahhaha..cun lah.
Its been a week here....and its excitement after excitement....and also some moments where i got nothing to do also...but its fun coz everyone here keeps me entertained. And they are ever so willing to explain everything. I'm just glad to be here. I'm sure there's more to come..i will try to update from time to time....Oh oh yesterday after lunch, my cute German boss asked me whether I'm okay....haha...he said im so quiet...can you believe it???hahhaa...have to maintain lar kan?can't be kecohing here the 1st week itself...:P. The one thing i'm looking forward to this weekend is to come to kl....hehe...and also on friday i'll be following my boss to a seminar which he is conducting...haha..so must look pretty!!!hehehe..ok people...till the next blue moon!! ciao!!
p/s: I still haven't had my shower since i got back from work..ewwww...:P
Anyway my first day passed pretty fast because it was mostly about introducing me to all the people I would have to communicate with to get my reports done. Everyone shocked to see a gal Mechanical Engineer...haha..not something new rite??. haha...But on my 2nd day, I was brought to the production plant...just a brief walk through it..And i just couldn't take my eyes off how they assemble the car...From the minor parts to the major parts....awesooooooommmmeee!!! I never imagined it to be this cool!! so much of detail put into everything. I guess that's the price you pay for a Mercedes. But my excitement for the day didnt end there...my boss then took me to ride in a new C200K!! You can say it was freshly baked from the oven...aahhaha..cun lah.
Its been a week here....and its excitement after excitement....and also some moments where i got nothing to do also...but its fun coz everyone here keeps me entertained. And they are ever so willing to explain everything. I'm just glad to be here. I'm sure there's more to come..i will try to update from time to time....Oh oh yesterday after lunch, my cute German boss asked me whether I'm okay....haha...he said im so quiet...can you believe it???hahhaa...have to maintain lar kan?can't be kecohing here the 1st week itself...:P. The one thing i'm looking forward to this weekend is to come to kl....hehe...and also on friday i'll be following my boss to a seminar which he is conducting...haha..so must look pretty!!!hehehe..ok people...till the next blue moon!! ciao!!
p/s: I still haven't had my shower since i got back from work..ewwww...:P
Friday, January 4, 2008
The Best Gift Ever

The Christmas season is over and the major celebration of ushering the New Year 2008 is also over and now we are back to reality....tests...quizzes....assignments....projects....the usual things we have to go through each semester.
Why am i blogging today??Its because yesterday I received the best gift ever..:). I was suprised by Mark and Daniel(my two favourite juniors)...who are still single by the way and not so available..hahaha..They are the two guys who never fail to make me laugh when i am with them. Its a joy having them around especially when I am able to bully one of them constantly(guess who?)...hmmm....why am i promoting them??
Anyway, they got me this pair of high heels which i tried on some time back in one of the shopping malls which I LOVED..Basically,it is not about how much it cost or what the gift was. BUT it is the best gift because it really touched me about how attentive they are about my likes and dislikes. And how they perfectly planned it and suprised me. I was really amazed...and i had no words to say. All I know that I am thankful to have such wonderful people in my life(its not just coz they gave me something k). I don't know what i would do without this kinda people to spice up my life. All in all I am just glad that i met the both of you.Thank you for everything!!! Love you guys!!!
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