Friday, February 2, 2007


I just went through phoebs blog yest and i realized i havent checked or updated mine in ages...It has been 3months...haha...too busy with "stuff" i guess...
Anyway this pass few days i have been wondering,why people bother getting into arguments...why people bother being in a group...why even bother about the next person??Haha..tht sounds so un-christian huh?But then again,who am i to judge another person...Im not God and i'm no better than the person next to me.Life is to short to be worried about this minor things.I guess sometimes we dwell so much in ourselves that we fail to see that there's a bigger world out there.We get so comfortable in being with a particular group of people than when things go wrong,we are lost.Why?Why do we let ourselves get into this sorta situations?Questions which different people would have different answers to.
Like now..why am i crapping like this also i don't know..haha.I guess the bottom line is, when things are not going rite..and we are upset and burdened with worries we only have God to fall on to.Only He knows whats best for us.Only He can comfort us and make us feel better.
I was going through my collection of quotes and I thought this is really really here goes.."Some people come into our lives and quickly go.Others stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same.".... to do some studying two more tests to go before the chinese new year break..hopefully i'll update my blog soon...hehe..ciao!!


Phoebeeeee said...

you had to use a pink template lah....ahahahha :P

Don't worry...people were not made to be alone...that's why we have friends...and people have the need to be in groups so that they feel like they belong somewhere....oops supposed to be a comment onli :P

keep it up! hehehe

Lydia said...

Go Sarah !!!!

Fuyoh Beeee, got degree in psychology ? Hehehe

Anyway what the degree holder said is true so be wise in choosing ur frens.

Phoebeeeee said...



blog more blog more!!

Sarah Navita said...

haha..both the sisters giving their words of wisdom...i appreciate it...:).Satu degree holder...satu phd...hahahah...

Anonymous said...

Feel like i dont have the right to say anything....but ...js want you to know...that...i wanna be your matter wat happens.